Our partners

Fed Beton

FedBeton represents companies in the industry involved in the production, transportation, and pumping of ready-mixed concrete. The ready-mixed concrete (RM) sector in Belgium includes around 270 concrete plants serving nearly 160 companies. It produces approximately 11 million cubic meters of concrete annually, which is 1.13 m³ of ready-mixed concrete per resident, and consumes more than 55% of the cement available on the Belgian market.


Embuild strengthens all companies active in construction in Flanders. Over 10,000 construction companies are affiliated with Embuild in Flanders. Embuild Vlaanderen is the most representative professional organization for the construction sector in Flanders.


Buildwise's mission is to support construction professionals in improving quality, productivity, and sustainability, and to pave the way for innovation on construction sites and within building companies.

Pom logo rgb 2020 1

POM West Flanders promotes entrepreneurship, invests in space for business activities, brings innovation closer to entrepreneurs, develops existing talent in West Flanders, and provides tailored data and information.

Groen beton vert gbv

Groen Beton Vert (GBV) is an organization that represents the interests of companies producing concrete in an ecologically responsible manner.

Since its inception, the focus has been on both improving the quality of raw materials and creating societal support for the use of recycled aggregates in ready-mixed concrete.