These projects linked together industry and knowledge institutions. That was how research, innovation and ready-to-use applications met up.
Through this project, a low-environmental-impact concrete demonstration centre is being shaped.
- A demonstration area allows contractors and other construction actors to get a practical feel for different materials and technologies for circular concrete and the quality of the final products – an essential condition for convincing the end customer, and a basic condition for the producer to make the production process sustainable.
- The centre is conducting research to reduce the lead time for evaluating the usability of circular concrete.
The total project cost is €1,458,250.00, of which for infrastructure & equipment, 40% is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), 10% co-financing through the Hermes Fund and 50% from the project partners. For the research component, 40% comes from ERDF and 60% from partners.